Friday, August 15

Elephant Garlic

In all the years I've lived in portland and driven out to the coast I have always wondered about the Garlic Festival but have never gone, until this year. So off we went with my friend Coca and her family. The girls love each other and had a wonderful time playing. They climbed the rock wall and looked so darn cute doing it! Two peas in pod those two. 

Interesting enough Elephant garlic is not even really a garlic. It's in the leek family. So it is really an elephant onion. Doesn't quite have the same ring. The festive was really an excuse to eat and we did. I was a little bummed, I had hoped for some fantastic garlic food, but there really wasn't much that made your breath smell bad. I learned that there is this purple garlic that is smoking hot! I bought some to make garlic bread out of and I can hardly wait. I'll have to do it on a night that I'm not working.  

My favorite stand was really a bloody mary accessory shop with stuffed green olives, stuffed with all sorts of goodness, cheese, garlic, pimentos. Pickled asparagus and green beans. Garlic flavored salt. Damn, I left my vodka at home.