Darren is a remarkably silly man. I have a whole book of silly pictures of him and have decided that perhaps it is time to share..

So there are giggles and laughter and all of a sudden I hear the cold water scream. I recognize it immediately, I used to sneak into the bathroom and douse him while he was in the shower just as a little jokey, he never did laugh as hard as I did. I dare not go outside as I assumed one of the girls had a death wish and was in the mood to be destroyed by their dad and had gotten him off guard with the hose. I did not want to get sprayed. If I walked out there and he had the hose that is sooo what would have happened.
Then I hear splashing and realize my silly husband has lost his mind and that I may have to call 911. He jumped off the trampoline fully clothed in jeans and such into the pool (a huge NO as far as pool rules go) at like 8pm at night and the weather outside as you can see is NOT sunny. Maybe 70 ish? The girls fully dressed jumped in after. I was clever enough to stay far far away from the splashing. Darren feels like he "owes me a few" from all the shower dousing, pool shoving, wet suit unzipping I have done and I try to not give him any opportunity to seek his revenge.
For all the things he is not, he makes a wonderful playmate to the children.
My father died when I was ten and I guess I don't remember much about the dishes, the laundry or the floors. I do remember that he shot marshmallows out the windows at kids in our neighborhood with a sling shot, drove around with grapes up his nose and making funny faces just to see how the other drivers would react and allowed us to blow up canned vegetables in the camp fire when mom wasn't around. He made water balloon bombs and bought us super soakers so we could play war in the back yard, he usually won. Us drenched him barely misted. He rented movies and laid on the floor to watch them with us and never got mad when he would wake up and I'd done his hair in ponytails, braids and barrettes. He's let us stand on his back while he sunk to the bottom of the pool and lunch us high into the air, pretending to be the hulk, the life guards would whistle and we'd have wait till they switched out to do it again. I could go on for hours about the fun I remember with my dad. The neighbor kids would knock on the door and ask if my dad could play. Not me, my dad. The not me is a whole 'nother story. I know someday my girls will do the same remember the games and luaghter. Someday he will be gone and they won't remember if he vacuumed or mowed the lawn, but I guess he understands, sometimes better that I, that it just doesn't matter if the house is clean or the grass is short.
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