Saturday, August 6

excuse me?

I am struggling to start this as I am floored and completely confused.

It has been a crazy and wild year. It's been by far the hardest.

Last new years and by new years I mean chinese new years (so that makes it February for all you white folks) my mom said she paid to have prayers for me. I said I was excited for the New year as I hoped I could just move on from the past year and never look back. Last year was not a year that I wanted to look back on and remember. My mom laughed a little and said OOh Heather, you have no idea it will be worse this year.

As I normally do I laughed and igonored her. I thought to myself really how could it be worse? What more could more miserable than this last year?

Well I found out and let me just say it sucks.
it sucks ass and I want to crawl in a hole and dissapear.