Monday, August 18

Aaron and Kacey's Wedding!

So this weekend a friend got married and here is one of their wedding pictures! It was a really nice wedding despite the fact it was 100 billion degrees and the ballroom, damn them, didn't have air conditioning. Holey crap it was warm. It worked out nice that all the tables upfront were reserved for VIP, which I was not. As the lowly tables in back were in front of the mostly useless window unit they were using. So unless you sat right in front of it, which we did, you were roasting, which we were but not as badly as some of the other guests. I felt so bad for Aaron, she must have been dying in her dress. Which she looked beautiful in. All those nights of starving herself paid off! 

Darren. Note the white glove. What you don't hear is Billy Jean is not my lover she's just a girl who says i am the one....The girls in the wedding wore these white lace gloves, part of the rockabilly theme. The moment they walked in Darren was fixated on those gloves and determined to get his hands into one. Well he succeeded. Once he heard the high pitched squeal of Micheal he was on a mission. He lurked around the room looking for a discarded glove, finding one shoved into the purse of one of the Bridesmaids. Unable to resist he steals the glove slides it on with intent and EXPLODES into the middle of the dance circle and busts out with the best moonwalk his drunk ass can muster. Thank god I was perched with my camera in hand knowing his moment had arrived and caught him in the act, evidence obtained. Darren is a freak.