Wednesday, August 27
Friday, August 22
Pictures Of Karen's Quads
So Karen sent me this great picture and I am supposed to find all four babies but it's a bit like where's waldo? Do you see all four??
WE LOVE THE CRAP out of you and all four of your babies. If you get a peruvian nanny grab one for me too. Four at once or four at all doesn't matter. It's a damn lot of kids!! We won't be able to carpool....
Posted by H Digby at 10:29:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19
Fake suicide, being married to a clown and $250,000!
That about sums up my day and an overwhelming confirmation that my mom is crazy and it's all her fault. I woke in a fine mood this morning, planning a trip to my water aerobics class, Darren refers to it as my fat blue haired old ladies class but a I love it anyways and happen to be fat so...Just before I leave my mother in law who is not as crazy as my own mother calls. Apparently Kia, who will now be referred to as the rotten teenager had called and wanted to know what to do about her "friend" who had taken 80-90 Tylenol and had no ride to the hospital. So my mother in law advised her to tell her "friend" to call 911. Which she did, being the rotten teenager, called 911 and took and ambulance to MY WORK, naturally. She was stating that she took 80-90 Tylenol not her "friend". So my mother in law buys hook line and sinker and goes to the hospital where they don't believe her. SHOCK, this is like the third fake suicide attempt.
Water aerobics was nice. Full today. Was it wrong to not rush to the hospital so she could swear and scream at me in person? I also went to the grocery store, fruit stand and took a 3 hour nap.
So the tox screen came back negative and then she was like oh, uh it was Ibuprofen not Tylenol and I just had a headache and kept waking up and taking more until she realized the bottle was gone. Whatever. Not a scosh of nothing on her blood work. They sent her home with orders to see someone. AGAIN. I am sure she won't.
My mother proved her insanity by saying oh it just normal teenage. She just bery defecul righ now. Oh she go to temple and be fine. NO SHE WILL NOT!! She was just at the temple and now she has alcohol hidden in her room and a dirt bag boyfriend she screwing who likes to race and PIR. ghetto trash baby. I hope we don't end up with a ghetto trash baby. jeez.
OH heder she have old smaart soul. She do no wrong she next modder teresa. Crazy old Chinese woman. I believe my hands would fit around my mother's neck. I'll let you know how that works out.
So in a feisty mood and had to go to this class at work and they wanted us to include a funny fact about ourselves and immediately I think I am married to a circus clown. So it's my turn and I say blah blah a blah bla and I am married to a circus clown. A few snickers and laughs, people aren't sure if it's OK to laugh about a clown and I am pretty sure the proctor was a bit nervous as she moved on after an awkward smile. I was quite pleased with myself. Then this woman next to me leans in asks so like do they make enough money to live off or how does that pay? I let her know pretty well, Like $250,000 a year. I am now married to the wealthiest circus clown.
Darren says he worries about how much and easily I lie. I love you and my mother I tell him. hehe.
Posted by H Digby at 10:44:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 18
Aaron and Kacey's Wedding!
So this weekend a friend got married and here is one of their wedding pictures! It was a really nice wedding despite the fact it was 100 billion degrees and the ballroom, damn them, didn't have air conditioning. Holey crap it was warm. It worked out nice that all the tables upfront were reserved for VIP, which I was not. As the lowly tables in back were in front of the mostly useless window unit they were using. So unless you sat right in front of it, which we did, you were roasting, which we were but not as badly as some of the other guests. I felt so bad for Aaron, she must have been dying in her dress. Which she looked beautiful in. All those nights of starving herself paid off!
Posted by H Digby at 8:48:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15
Jet Boat whirlie Birds
Jet Boat Ride in Grants Pass. Super Fun!
Posted by H Digby at 9:27:00 PM 0 comments
Elephant Garlic
In all the years I've lived in portland and driven out to the coast I have always wondered about the Garlic Festival but have never gone, until this year. So off we went with my friend Coca and her family. The girls love each other and had a wonderful time playing. They climbed the rock wall and looked so darn cute doing it! Two peas in pod those two.
Posted by H Digby at 8:54:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14
The book of silly

Posted by H Digby at 10:26:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 8
It's a girl!
It was much worse to sit by a stranger on the school bus than someone you knew. Even if that girl wore powder on her face, heavy black eyeliner and had bangs that stood up at least 5 inches. She got on the bus at the same stop as me so we might as well sit together you know. Before long we were sneaking out all hours of the night and smoking behind the shed, certain my mother never knew. She was certainly the bad influence...I never would have gone drinking downtown if it hadn't been for her. Tow peas in a pod. The greatest heartbreak of my junior high years was her moving. I missed her so much and still do. Kellie has always been one the most amazing people and I love her to peices. She looks so amazing and beautiful! Kellie you make my heart happy!
Posted by H Digby at 7:44:00 PM 0 comments
Amazing to have a day that could be described as perfect. That is exactly what happened on wednesday. It started at work, near quittin' time. No had died that night and well, that is always a good thing. I had a Dr.'s appointment that my husband met me for, nice to see him so early. The kelly green polo he wore left something to be desired but alas lets not be too picky. The Dr.'s appointment went perfect, even the doc said so! If you glaze over the fact that there are things in and out of your girl bits you could agree. I got to come home and sleep and my sweet slightly evil dog had not peed on my bed! What awesomeness! I woke up to the phone and deep in my heart feared it would be sad bad news from my friend, but it turned out to be wicked perfect. The best news she's had in the last 34 months and I have never wanted anything for someone as much as I wanted this. PERFECT. Talk about happy and it spread to all of our friends and brought tears to our eyes. What could be better? We went to the zoo concert and were fortunate enough to have a tarp so we could sit in the muddy boggy but available grass space and listen to amazing music while watching the breeze and sun dance in the trees as the day faded to twilight. Sitting there with the kids and the in laws and friends made me feel enormously lucky. Katie folded herself into Darren's lap and that made me laugh, she fits anywhere. The coolest part was when Darren summoned me to the elephants as one was VERY pregnant and I'll be if you couldn't see the calf moving in her belly. Beautiful. Good luck to you I thought. They were on labor watch as they expected her to deliver anytime. That would be quite a birth to see. 125lbs, the average elephant baby. OUCH!
Posted by H Digby at 7:23:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6
Cold Cereal
My dad, a wonderful ice cream eating fat man has me totally addicted to cereal. Life was good as a kid. My mother being from Taiwan and her exposure to American families being limited to day time TV made life for us good. We got cookies and milk for our pre-bed snacks and she was led to believe that cereal was the perfect breakfast food. My father willing to go along with her help us to convince her that the Captain and the Cooko bird were the bomb!
I as I aged and widened I decided that perhaps I should avoid these delicious and not so nutritious cereals. I must admit I look at them longingly in the cereal isle as I tell my children no and pick up boxes of bowel healthy fiber filler instant puke meal. I mean oat meal.
We recently went on a trip and for the sake of easiness we decide on cold cereal. So were in the cereal isle, me and my lesbian lover, picking cereal and she reaches for life and I decide to live a little and went back to the sweethearts of my childhood. The captain and I were reunited after a long separation and I must admit there is something about the slightly fatty layer on the top of the milk that Peanut Butter Captain Crunch creates. mmmm. Another wonderful bonus is the free chocolate milk you get with Cocoa Puffs.
Posted by H Digby at 4:26:00 AM 0 comments
Six and last but not least SEVEN!
After spending a small fortune at the animal park we went to coos bay for the night, we liked the look of the monkey, zebra and giraffe so we decided to take them with us. The nicest restaurant in town was on the schedule for us so off to the Sizzler we went. The room had a nice blue hue, I realized it was the reflection off the hair of all the other patrons. This frightened me and we left thinking a seafood dive would be safer. We were right! Dinner was yummy and I has some of the best halibut ever. Caught that day! We slept well after a freezing dip in the outdoor pool, brilliant idea, the outdoor pool, for a town with an average high of 60.
Posted by H Digby at 4:25:00 AM 0 comments