Saturday, January 3

A tale of Christmas Joy.

Darren and Katie practicing on the new doll. Katie had to fight to get the spoon back. The doll poops and she thinks it's great!
Please daddy give me the spoon...
Christmas morning, shocking.
Katie was like a wild animal.
A cute wild animal. We had fun. The kids loved their presents. I loved my picture and Darren will get to fulfill a lifelong dream of actually catching a fish when he goes fishing. I hope. I also hoped the house would be spotless when I woke up.

I went to bed and slept and slept and slept. 
Then I woke up. That's when things went down hill. 
I love Cinabons. we ALWAYS have Cinabons while we open gifts. I went to sleep all warm and happy thinking about waking up and eating a Cinabon
But ALL the Cinabons were gone. All 18 of them. No one saved me one. Thoughtful. Darren told me that he only ate 4. 
4 cinnamon rolls in one afternoon.
The other 13 were eaten by three kids. That's like 4 and some each. 
Oh and no Christmas dinner as I had been asleep and didn't make it.  
We ate Mexican after a I cleaned the house. 
When Darren cuddled up to me in bed that night I told him I bet he wished he had a Cinnamon roll in his pocket. He turned over and went to sleep. First good decision for the day. What's the racket in the background you wonder? The karaoke machine. Great Gift. Great Great Gift.