Sunday, October 19

A three hour tour....

I tricked and mislead my dear friend. I lured her into an evening of dinner and shopping. I did mention we would be fabric shopping, I just don't think she knew exactly what that meant. Last time I made Darren go fabric shopping, he only survived an hour. This trip took us nearly three. There was in fact over an acre of fabric to browse. Hundreds and hundreds of bolts of fabric...patterns, colors, textures! Endless possibilities. However I am thrilled to say the perfect gender natural fabric for the nursery has been selected! I think Teta was most ecstatic to be done. I would like to give a a shout out to my friend who served as my life line, color consultant and voice of reason. 

Then we went for a lousy dinner. The Mexican restraint next to the fabric depot, not so good. Avoid it. 

I can't wait to see how it all turns out!  Darren's painting the room top green on the color card. So from left to right, The dots and stripes will be the dust ruffle, the solid green and blue dots make the curtains and valence, the orange fabric will be the sheets, the black dots and diamonds will be used with the leftovers from the other fabric to make a quilt. Fear not I will not be ruining this beautiful fabric by trying to sew it myself. I have someone to make it for me. My mother. She doesn't know yet! 
Darren says he likes it, but I also threatened him with death if he mocked it so who knows what he thinks. His mother asked why were bothering to do up a room as none of our children have ever slept in their rooms, so why the bother? Everyone seemed to find that amusing. Except me. Perhaps the baby won't sleep in it's room, but that will just keep the bedding cleaner for longer eh?


Katie B. said...

Very cool fabric! I think the nursery is going to be soo cute...and who knows..maybe this baby will love it's nursery so much it WILL sleep there ....(oh wishful thinking) :) Katie

Heather said...

I think this is a completely fabulous collection! You guys look like fabric champions. I still think a banner would look so cute!