Tuesday, January 12

Struck by the unattended blog...

I've been had by the blog bandit. As I made the mistake of leaving my blog unattended...
So as I was saying I had my review and am pleased to report that I am still employed. I will admit it was the best review yet. Very little corrective action!
I got out quite late and had to go get my dear Anna from my mom's as she was not feeling well, which put me on my way home around 10:30 am. This is really really late for me as I like to be safely tucked into bed by this time. Julianna wanted a drink so we stopped at the 7-11. (Thanks Mrs. Roms, you have me addicted to big gulps.) This is where the event, the all time low takes place...I was hungry and tired. I should just say it outright...I ate a 7-11 Taquito. Oh god I am embarrassed. Ashamed. horrified. I shall have to write it off to delirium.


Heather said...

It's sounds like you absolutely, positively, deserved a 7-11 taquito. And under the dire circumstances of your crazy work week, I'm sure it doesn't even count! Sorry about eh Big gulp thing, you can blame my mom! AND glad the blog bandit finally hit you to my friend! I hope you always know you are a treasure!

Anna Koertig said...

Your dear anna your dear anna, the Johnny Got His Gun who smelled the Jonases conceptualize all over my LCD like a madman

H Digby said...

Dude who the hell is Anna Koertig?