Monday, January 25
As I sit in my living room plotting murder...
Posted by H Digby at 11:12:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12
Struck by the unattended blog...
I've been had by the blog bandit. As I made the mistake of leaving my blog unattended...
So as I was saying I had my review and am pleased to report that I am still employed. I will admit it was the best review yet. Very little corrective action!
I got out quite late and had to go get my dear Anna from my mom's as she was not feeling well, which put me on my way home around 10:30 am. This is really really late for me as I like to be safely tucked into bed by this time. Julianna wanted a drink so we stopped at the 7-11. (Thanks Mrs. Roms, you have me addicted to big gulps.) This is where the event, the all time low takes place...I was hungry and tired. I should just say it outright...I ate a 7-11 Taquito. Oh god I am embarrassed. Ashamed. horrified. I shall have to write it off to delirium.
Posted by H Digby at 5:04:00 AM 3 comments
Another all time high.
We got our asses kicked last night, mad crazy busy. I loved my patients so it was all good! I am skilled at many things. I am able to work under stressful conditions. I own a big heart that feels intensely. I am a wonderful friend and fabulous mom. I need to remind myself of the value of my spirit every now and then. today it is. The world better watch out Heather Digby is aware of her value.
Posted by H Digby at 4:40:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 9
Another night down the bottle, I mean drain.
I am pretty certain I have discovered what encourages Darren to drink.
Any act of niceness.
I went to costco for the outing of my life, getting new tires for his car, to save him the trip this weekend. As costco on saturday is pretty close to hell.
So I get home late and my dear and loving husband was staggeringly drunk. Awesome.
So is this a victory or another failure? I guess it's about perspective.
Victory that he didn't do it on a night that I had to work and leave the children.
Victory that he got tanked on his bike and was not drinking and driving.
Victory that he, well I have run out of positive perspective.
Failure that he's supposed to be quiting.
Failure that he fell asleep/passed out on my side of the bed and drooled on my pillow.
Failure that I could go on for a long time and well it's just too much energy to care.
It makes me in angry in the way sadness and hurt makes you angry. It makes me angry in the way a mother bear gets mad when her den is threatened.
I'll tell the truth. If it was a stranger, an outsider, a friend or casual acquaintance that was causing so much distress and havoc in my life and the life of my children I would fucking DESTROY them. But it's my very own husband! To destroy him would destroy in part them. So what to do about the fact that he is destroying himself and them in the process?
To see the waste is maddening.
Posted by H Digby at 4:38:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 6
My Favorite Distractions
Beckett LOVED Santa. NOT!
The Girls did. Still mildly angry at Macy's for destroying Santa Land. Bastards.
Beck at my mom's house. Those two thick as thieves.
Our lovely snow storm. I love snow. Traffic sucked but the snow rocked.
Henry and Abby. I love them already.
Such a sweet little guy.
Helping Katie with her personal space issues. It's called cuddle therapy.
Hot hot hot. Hot. Wendy Wendy WEndY WeNdY WEndy WENdy Wendy WenDY Wendy WENDy. Wendy.
Posted by H Digby at 1:57:00 PM 2 comments