For the first time in years I took labor day off and decided to venture the mass and go camping. We were planning to go on Thursday and I was super excited. But the ass hat, aka Darren, did not get Thursday and Friday off. Great. That meant that I had to tow the boat over the mountain and put it and out of the lake! The problem with that is the whole prospect of reverse. I am not the master of reverse with a trailer. It is damn difficult. Very Very Difficult. It's even harder when everyone who's already got their boat in is laughing at you driving up and back trying to get the boat launched in an impossibly narrow boat ramp. Fat skimpily clad men who are balding laughing and laughing. I hate them. The humiliation culminates with one them walking over offering to help after 8 or so tries. How nice.
I am however thrilled to report that I rocked reverse and managed to get the boat in the first try! Every time. And despite the fact that trailer lights were not working my mad driving skills prevented me from getting a ticket.
The kids were really good and helpful with getting the campsite set up by ourselves. I wasn't sure if it would work going camping without Darren but in the end it was really fine. Who would've known? I must admit I was happy to turn over the duties to D when he arrived.
The weather was wonderful the first two days, warm and sunny. On Sunday it was FREEZING and we spent the day playing at the playground, reading books and sitting super close to the fire. How relaxing.
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