Monday, September 29
5 10 16...where did my babies go?
I cannot believe that my babies are now so huge! Katie turned 5 Anna 10 and Kia 16. Crazy! Katie was very excited to be five and now she can go to kindergarten! I guess what she didn't understand was that meant next year. She went to baby school on her Birthday and told them all she was leaving, that today was her last day. She packed up her cubby, took down her decorations and said goodbye. When Darren went to get her the director was unsure of why she was abruptly leaving and Darren was a little confused, she's not he said. Well Katie had a different plan. She was going to kindergarten tomorrow, now that she was 5. She wailed to whole way home when she discovered the sad truth. It was apparently a very long bus ride for everyone. She cheered up after cake and presents. AHHHH to b a kid.
I'm not sure who did her hair, her or her dad, it could be either. Looks good!
We had a party for her at Red Robin, she clearly did not mind standing on the chair with balloons around her ears. Such a shy girl.
Anna's birthday party. Four family friends, two grandparents, one sister and a stray kid. The party was a hit.
Posted by H Digby at 4:46:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20
The official end of summer.
Dirty sticky face, tangled hair, unwashed for days. Camping ROCKS.
The Girls love Salamander City, the real name, I don't know. We went to Detroit lake as the last trip of the summer and there is this waterfall and for some reason hundreds of Salamanders live in that area. So we always go and anchor the boat so the kids can swim, play and torture small animals with hugs and kisses and all sorts of games. You can see Katie's enthusiasm oozing out of her and ow much restraint she has to use to not squeeze it's guts out.
Darren as usual is a daredevil on the tube. He gets better and better at hanging on. It's kills me that he didn't get pitched like a rag doll here. I almost feel bad going dangerously fast and making insane turns to launch him off and skip the surface like a stone.
I know it's a little blurry. The kids love to camp and I have begun to think it's because there is nothing to do but just hang. Darren's hair was styled by Anna, super cute, although he did take it out before venturing out of our site. Darren spends much of his time complaining about how much he hates Count Olaf the stupid cat dog. I have once again caught him clearly torturing this poor animal. No matter how much I talk to him about not being so cruel he is unable to resist. A few days ago I found him in the living room with Olaf cradled in his arms like a baby rocking him while rubbing his tummy. The hate is so pure and intense with those two.
Anna hates the boat, hates swimming. Clearly. She is my shiny star and I am so crazy about her. What a fun kid. She is my soul sister, set out to torment and tease Darren as much as possible. What a good little minion.
Posted by H Digby at 1:34:00 AM 0 comments
Grape Eating Contest
I as a general rule I try to not post unflattering pictures.......of myself that is. My husband always feels like it is unfair so here is a wonderful picture of all of us having a grape stuffing contest. I will have you know I won. 28 grapes baby. Darren says I cheated because I couldn't close my mouth, but whatever, It was never discussed prior. My friend at work said he should be impressed with my oral skills. OH he is.
Posted by H Digby at 12:42:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7
Table for Six please....
I loved to cover my canopy bed with blankets and pretend that I was in a train car traveling the world with my troupe of children (cabbage patch dolls). I wanted thirteen kids, I remember watching sitcoms and would pretend to give birth. Shoving a doll up my shirt, screaming a bit and then woosh out the bottom of my shirt would pop a kid. Then I had two kids and wanted to cut out my insides and never have another kid. Then along came Katie. The whole time I was pregnant with her I talked about having my tubes tied and Darren's junk snipped. He even went and saw a hundred year old urologist to have his junk snipped. For some unknown reason he didn't do it. Then out came Katie and Wow she rocked our world! I love it love it love it.
Posted by H Digby at 2:47:00 AM 3 comments
Tale's of my Fourth Grade something...
Posted by H Digby at 2:34:00 AM 0 comments
Labor Day weekend.
Posted by H Digby at 1:42:00 AM 0 comments
Calling the Tooth Fairy
It blows my mind how big my little girl is. For a few weeks now she's had a loose tooth with the new one peeking out behind. So today she put Darren's finger in her mouth to show him how loose it was and out it popped. She was thrilled and wondered if the tooth fairy would find her out camping. Yep. Despite the fact that the tooth fairy had to go out in her underpants in 30 degree weather.
This little girl cracks me up. What do you think she was thinking?
Posted by H Digby at 1:41:00 AM 0 comments