Sunday, July 6

Tag...Katie's it

Seven things about katie...

#1 She has a crease in her nose, like it's been folded in 1/2. A perfect crease.
#2 She is part tasmanian devil. Can destroy a room in 10 seconds flat.
#3 Thinks she's going to cut her hair for locks of love. I cannot yet bear the thought. I worry that her spunk is tied to her hair. It is wild like her.
#4 She is totally binkee crazy and must still have one. I could not care less.
#5 She thinks she can swim and speak spanish. She is absolutely no good at either. Cannot do either. But we cannot convince her otherwise. She looks up from the bottom of the pool somewhat confused by her near drowning state. 
#6 She is freakishly tall for her age and people always think that she is a poorly behaved  6 year old. Poor thing. She is pretty Naughty from time to time.
#7 When she sleeps with you she squishes so tight up against you, you don't know where she stops and you start. I love this. She is the best cuddler ever and I am over the moon for her.  


Sheila said...

Your daughter should donate her hair to locks of love! It's such a great organization for charity. My two girls both donated their hair and ended up with cute bobs just below their ears! It's such a great thing to do! Locks of love is great!