Sunday, July 27

Road trip day three and four. Crater lake and Grants Pass

Snow ball fight in July? You gotta love Oregon!
Me and the GiRLies!
Jet Boat ride...

Camp songs before smores...yummy.
The fire look out on the rim of a lava cone at the Lave Lands. Super cool. Found lava rocks and katie managed to drop one on her finger and made it bleed. Everyone thought she was being beaten.
On trail rim.
So last night was super fun, not...After and exhausting day of swimming, swimming and swimming we were ready to crash. Except anna. Poor girl spent hours dry heaving until she finally puked her guts up around three am. Worst part of being in Kahneetah was being thirty miles from the store, poor baby had to rough it out. Thank goodness she felt well enough to continue to crater lake and onto grants pass. Which holey wow! Next time I totally want to take the boat to wizard island. Got eaten by bugs and even had a snow ball fight before dinner. Which was super good, only the service sucked! And the additional hour we spent touring rural grants pass at two am searching for the poorly marked camp ground. Their roads are labeled in a terrible fashion, beware. Thanks google maps, you suck! The grants pass police all in all were pretty decent. Once we found the damn yurt and spent 30 min trying to make the lock work it was ok, except for the fact that the futon that was supposed to fold down into a bed folded in 1/2 anytime you tired to lay on it. Must admitt we laughed so hard we nearly peed the only other bed in the place. Teresa managed to balance on one side and not get rolled into the middle and made into a futon burrito till morning. Total ass drag to get up and go on the jet boat ride that was really super fun. We barely made it in time, we were all super tired but the boat dude was cool and made everyone laugh that was cool. 

On another note, Grants Pass is the birth place of Dutch Brothers and of course we paid homage. 
We had a nice dinner at camp that night. Initially we had no pans and had to run a mere 20 miles to town to get a sauce pan. The worst part was I have no idea of whose fault it is that there were none. Made it hard to bitch about it. So I realized that is was Darren's, for either not packing them or not closing the roof box and having them fly out on the road. Bastard. The girls provided us with camp songs about jesus. They seem to have really stuck since god camp. I've been listening to them for hours and hours and hours in the car. Then they were super excited that some people we jamming jesus songs at the camp nearby and they were able to sing along.