Sunday, July 6

Darren, snake charmer extraordinaire

When you look at them all on the swings it makes you think, oh how sweet, enjoying a day playing at the park. But if you look close Darren has discovered a snake and is hell bent on trying to poison himself. I am a little irritated at the prospect of having to kill this snake to take it to the hospital so that he can get the right anti-venom. Lucky for him today is a day that I sorta like him. 

First he started with his shoe, waving his foot around in front of the snake trying to hypnotize it to do his bidding. Really he's goading it into striking. He discovered that this little snake was quite quick, leading him to find his forked snake stick. Unfortunately his stick was too big and the sweat little snake was able to slither through. At one point he was bending over getting closer and closer to the snake to try to take a picture. He had to be reminded of the iguana in Mexico that bit him when he was trying to get a close up it. Clamped down hard on the finger he was using to hold the banana to lure him closer. That did finally make him back up. He did try to pick the snake up with the stick to no avail. Then the snake started to chase him. He deserved that.  Fortunately he escaped unscathed. No snake bites for him. That would have been a real bummer for him. Lucky Darren. He redeemed himself with a hearty game of lava monster with the kids. Smart Man.