Thursday, April 3

Easter Shenanigans

I love the newness of spring. The itch and burn of my nose and eyes as the pollen spews forth from the snot causing flowers and grass. Amazing. 

My in laws have sheep. Lots and lots of sheep and one lone llama. Anna my sister in law to be (whom I incidentally like alot), got one of the babies much to the dismay of the bleating lamb mommy for Katie to hold. Katie then declined as my insano baby is afraid of a baby lamb. Wild eh?

We had a great Easter, egg hunts and candy. Gorging ourselves on super yummy food and some hi jinks
Now my mother and father in law are very upright and moral, which is what makes this particular behavior on her part super amusing to me. They live close the street of dreams 2005 and these houses are amazing if huge and gynormous are your thing. And your a bigillonaire. So we go for a walk through this neighborhood, if you call one gated house after another a neighborhood, to look and see how the houses are coming along. We've been trompsing through these houses while they were under construction and accessible to nosey wanderers for a while now. So when my mother in law broke into this Mediterranean mansion I was amazed. I waited at the top as I do not engage in illegal activities or those that are morally wrong. The following pics are of them running after the burglar alarm went off and the gun turrets popped up. 

On another note I did fall in love with this majestic giant house. It is so big that my house would fit in the over the garage quarters. This house is 10,000 square feet and has an awesome pool. Darren climbed the fence into the back yard. I could see him through the foyer of this massive house. I have boldly decided to make an offer on this house. It is on the market for $2,700,000.00. I know that is alot of money but I figure how much can it hurt to make an offer? I will offer the top of what I feel comfortable spending $350,000.00 I am hopeful that they will accept my offer and before long I will be blogging from my mega mansion. One that we have not broken into and wandered about, unless you count hoping a fence and looking in windows and climbing a few balconies.


Karen said...

I love your blog! It is so you!