Katie had so much fun playing with her friends.
Anna loved the paper best.
Ceci seems to like the Barbie. What a great smile. Look at Hazy in the background. What a Cutie Pie.
So yeah, these are not in order. First a little skeptical about the gift, now quick scroll up and see what she thinks about it.
Babies love the paper. Better than the apples and banana bread.
Peas in a pod. My good friends and their good friends. What could be better?
Saturday, December 27
The best parts of Christmas.
Posted by H Digby at 8:50:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21
My friends.
DAMN Blogger and it's inability to upload pics.
Posted by H Digby at 10:12:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20
Snow day, again and again and again.
Cookies anyone?
Teresa cheating.
MMM corn dogs, I mean ice cream pie...
Ready, set mix.
Mmmm, super yum.
There is just something about waking up and see the world covered in white. It's just so quiet. Maybe the snow insulates everything. Or maybe everything just sorta stops. You can't drive too fast and you have to decide how much going out really means to you. We had the best day. Baking. I think it was a random bout of nesting.
Posted by H Digby at 9:31:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 15
Merry Christmas!!
Hmm I want....
If only this was all that came out her mouth...
Super genius.
Makes my heart melt.
And so the season starts. I love to just hang with the girls. Swim and play baby dolphin. Watch TV in bed and eat cookies. We rented a room downtown, saw Santa, got ornaments like we do every year (lordy it's alot of ornaments), swam in the pool, rode the street car, watched Charlie Browns Christmas, The Christmas story, went to a play, The Wizard of Oz, puked my guts out in front of dozens of mortified children as my friend is a crappy driver, ate steak till I thought I would die, had the lousiest service at the Portland City Grill, but grinned at how happy the view made the girls, played in the snow, made out with my husband, soaked in the hot tub, ate free breakfast, drank coffee... just laughed and laughed and lived. What more is there?
Posted by H Digby at 4:19:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 8
Turkey Day
Check out the look of joy, holiday gatherings and family. And Torture.....
She was asking for it. Jonathan the littlest brother of Darren and Kia. Super silly.
He's getting married! To her. I like her. Alot. Anna Dennis. Soon to be Anna Digby, the second one in the family,
Games. The best part of the holiday.
Posted by H Digby at 2:18:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5
The dog is super excited that there will soon be a baby to suffer at katie's loving hands.
Darren is a pack rat. He insists that this still fits and is a perfectly good jacket...It is I guess.
Must be love...
I think it was her. When we started this adventure of having another baby, Darren's argument was who have we not met yet? That there was someone that we would love and adore and think the world of. Someone who would make us laugh and worry. Someone as amazing as the three we have already. But I think it was her. The soft cheeks and crazy ideas. The laughter and overwhelming energy that she posses. It sent him over the moon.
Posted by H Digby at 11:56:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25
Igby Digby....Falling in love.
3d Picture of igby's face.
Big nose just like Darren's.
Adeline? Vivianne? Rowen? Rockstar? who are you? Just kicking back, feet crossed hanging out.
So it totally happened this morning. I fell in love. Madly and completely in love. In like an instant. This baby, not until now for whatever the reason, was just a baby. But now it's WOW a baby a cute wiggly baby with fingers and toes and eyes. Igby has a perfect heart, no clubbed feet, an intact diaphragm, closed belly, developing lungs, perfect lips and palate. I could go on forever. The things we worry about! The ultrasound today was so much fun. The girlies went and chattered non-stop and made lots of noise. Begging to know if Igby is a boy or girl. I said the sonographer cold write it down for them to read. Katie pointed out that she didn't know how to read. Oops bummer for you. Fred was there and fantastic. I told him I wouldn't know what to do with a boy really. There's so much "stuff" in the diaper, how do you clean it? He said that somehow he manages to keep clean. That's good I said. He took some great pics and we got to see the baby's face and fingers. I really liked them. I can hardly wait to see this baby and hold it and kiss it and squeeze it and love it. And love it. And love it. And love it.
Posted by H Digby at 12:47:00 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11
I am beginning to better understand my husband. We really really see thing differently. So like I realize the odds of this is astronomical but on the same day both of us managed to get our cars hit in like a parking lot or something as there is terrible damage to my front bumper and the passenger side of Darren's car is a bit munched. I told Darren he should be more careful about where he parked and he said he should be able to park wherever he wants and not get hit, which is technically true, but still you can be careful right?
Posted by H Digby at 9:18:00 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday...
These two...they melt my heart.
Lucy TEARING around the corner in her walker! Watch out for your toes....
Hazel and Karen. Such a beautiful baby.
Coca's twins.
MMMMmmmmm the bomb digity birthday cake.
Posted by H Digby at 9:13:00 PM 0 comments
Katie received and accepted her first of what I fear to be many marriage proposals this last weekend. The poor boy, an older man I might point out 8 years old, was initially thrilled. She bossed him around like any wife would do, pointing out that they weren't married yet and if did not comply, they might not be. By the end of the night she had broken it off and he had to console himself with a bowl of popcorn. On they way home she said she'd be more careful about who she agrees to marry. Good lord what am I in for???
Posted by H Digby at 9:10:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5
Political Pride...
So we don't have a TV. And never have I been happier about that.
Posted by H Digby at 3:35:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3
Halloween Part Two
Candy? I'm not eating candy. Me? I certainly did not lick the crumbs up either. MMM my eyes are rolling up in my head with delight.
The loot, the trade and the mommy candy raid. I imposed candy penalties for bad behavior, real or perceived if momma needed a sugar fix. Terrible I know.
All four spontaneously sat down. They needed a trick or treat break. Tired babies. Anna's poor feet. They had been sitting on someones front porch just chillen in the Adirondack chairs till the door opened. So cute. They declared they were done.
I'm done? Your done. Yeah our buckets are full. Awesome lets go home.
Scary girls. Really just cute.
Posted by H Digby at 12:44:00 AM 0 comments
Happy Halloween
Darren actually wore those glasses. For years, until we met. He won the office costume contest. King Dork of the dorks.
Posted by H Digby at 12:37:00 AM 0 comments