Monday, December 15

Merry Christmas!!

Hmm I want....
If only this was all that came out her mouth...

Super genius.
Makes my heart melt.

And so the season starts. I love to just hang with the girls. Swim and play baby dolphin. Watch TV in bed and eat cookies. We rented a room downtown, saw Santa, got ornaments like we do every year (lordy it's alot of ornaments), swam in the pool, rode the street car, watched Charlie Browns Christmas, The Christmas story, went to a play, The Wizard of Oz, puked my guts out in front of dozens of mortified children as my friend is a crappy driver,  ate steak till I thought I would die, had the lousiest service at the Portland City Grill, but grinned at how happy the view made the girls, played in the snow, made out with my husband, soaked in the hot tub, ate free breakfast, drank coffee... just laughed and laughed and lived.  What more is there?  


Heather said...

Um, I think you pretty much touched on everything! Love that Katie in the glasses. When do we get to play together again, where we can sit and chat? If you tell me at work, I'm going to barf in front of dozens of horrified children.

Katie B. said...

I need to hear more on the story of barfing with children?!?!! But on the other hand...I'm happy for you that it's a Merry Chirstmas! :) By the way...where have you been? I haven't seen you at work in like a trillion years....Do you still work there? Or are you off to a life a leisure going to plays, eating at fancy restaurants and staying in hotels downtown?! Ahhh to be Digby..... :)