Saturday, December 20

Snow day, again and again and again.

Cookies anyone?
Teresa cheating.
MMM corn dogs, I mean ice cream pie...
Ready, set mix.
Mmmm, super yum.
There is just something about waking up and see the world covered in white. It's just so quiet. Maybe the snow insulates everything. Or maybe everything just sorta stops. You can't drive too fast and you have to decide how much going out really means to you. We had the best day. Baking. I think it was a random bout of nesting. 

Pancakes, 5 quiche, a double batch of peanut butter cookies, a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, at least two gallons of chicken and barley soup, mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, chicken and even an Ice Cream Pie! In the end I gave into my craving and ate an ultimate burger from DQ for dinner. Yum

The funnest part of the day was playing games with the kidlets. Clue, which Teresa cheated twice and beat them all. Meanie. I personally like Don't Break the Ice. I am a master!

Anna cried about school being cancelled again as she really wanted to go to pajama day, have an assembly and class party. Poor girl. I am consequently stuck with a huge Costco cake I got for the party and I have no idea of how to unload it all. Bummer.

The very best part of the day was the chocolate chip cookies. My dad made chocolate chip cookies and I have never had a cookie as good ever since. He used the same cookbook I have all greasy and stained, I imagine there are still his finger prints hidden on the pages. He made huge batches and the house would smell like happiness.  I hope my kids smelled the happiness yesterday


Heather said...

Snow days=not good for the diet. Especially when you are eating for two. Like me. Nursing still counts you know. So when you are eating for two, you always have to make sure to take twice as much as normal, so as to not cheat the baby.

Katie B. said...

please come cook at my house!!! It looks YUMMY! :)