That face. That sweet face. What ever in the world would it have to do with a photo of her LEAPING through the air like a mad crazy baby you wonder?
These repeated bonks to the head may explain her behavior tonight at Zupan's. Poor poor meat case man, he had no idea what a zealot my sweet baby has become.
Katie does not eat meat. No big deal. She never has and as she grows and learns she's picked up a few opinions (disclaimer I would just like all to know now, it is not from me). We eat meat. I like meat. Love chicken and fish and beef and pork. Darren eats meat. Meat is not a bad word in our house. I do not wash with soap after I eat it. I do wash with soap, nearly every day but not just because I ate meat, though it does work out to sometimes be just after I have eaten meat.
ANYWAYS...we go to Zupan's after a fun (aka tiring as hell for me) day of dance, watching a crazy and totally inappropriate race downtown, a swim meet and a movie. I wanted a quick and easy dinner for them. As we roll past the meat case Katie tells meat case man loudly,
"oh, what about fish?"
"NO. NO. They are my friends I DO NOT eat my friends. That is disgusting. Chickens are beautiful and my friends and I DO NOT EAT MY FRIENDS!!"
Immediately I try to hush her by placing her my hands over her mouth, everyone is STARING as she is really really loud. He, meat case man, is looking at me much like all the other people in the store are, like I am the CRAZY one. Jeez, I wasn't shouting about eating MY friends.
She wasn't done.
"YOU shouldn't eat my friends. YOU ARE Disgusting. Yuck."
Though he was protected by a glass case full of her dead and hacked up friends he backed up. I told her not to shout and lets go look for ice cream. I was frantically pushing her from behind. Damn mini carts for kids to push themselves. No control over them with those. (KEEP AWAY I WARN YOU, NO MINI Carts). In my mind I prayed please god, no more words from this mouth, pleaseeeee.
A small smile and an I'm uhh, sorry? What does one say is said circumstance?
Beeline to check out as I so did not want to cook and they did need dinner. It would have been even worse to leave a cart full food, yeah? The ice cream ploy was a trick. She already had a cookie she would never give up. HA one point for ma!
I think we may need a shock collar for this one. They make them for small dogs, she weighs about the same as a small dog. They're pretty safe, right?
In the end I think they tricked me. Anna and her had secretly put lots of loot in those DAMNED mini carts and I was too befuddled to argue content. Who thinks it's a good idea to turn short people with poor judgement loose in a store with a cart of there own? No quick zoom and we're off in the cart if needed. Idiots.
That is SOOOOO funny! I had NO idea that Katie doesn't eat meat...does she give you a bad time if you eat meat? I'm sure most of the people in Zupans are vegetarian too and they were probably applauding little Katie's efforts! :)
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