What makes me smile, Darren is just an overgrown boy willing to scale anything he can wrap his legs around. But what a fun picture.
Sunday, March 23
This for That
Posted by H Digby at 11:47:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by H Digby at 10:56:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 21
If I were in the 9th grade i'd start this with
Posted by H Digby at 9:14:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17
Posted by H Digby at 5:39:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10
I have lived in this wet grey duck weather nearly my entire life. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I was born in Virginia(I do have great teeth and not a cavity for at least a decade). I also lived in Texas for a stint that I don't remember. I was four when we moved here and remember sitting on the counter while my mom put contact paper on all the cabinet shelves. The bathrooms too. Those were good times.
The point is I am no stranger to grey but this year I feel like it is kicking my ass. I Just want to sleep, be lazy and eat an ass load of sugary high carb foods while lying in bed. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Never has it been so bad. I got cancelled last night from work and I had to work real hard at motivating myself to lumber out of bed. I am thinking of getting pregnant in a few months and should lower my resting heart rate to less than 140 as to not kill myself. So with that in mind I packed my gym bag, dropped the kid off at school and off I went. I did first go to Dutch Brother's who I love for my morning coffee. So armed with a caffeine buzz I strut my stuff into the gym and decide I am going to do a class. A step class. Not having ever done a step class but having watched many jam to a jazzercize like routine I think, I can do that.
I get my little step, just one as to not look like an over achiever and intimidate my classmates with my tight firm ass I set up my spot. Not a moment later and old woman informs me in a snippy voice that I am in HER SPOT. I smile and move. Then after the class starts and I am moderately unhappy with my decision to take this damn class she tells me I have to move my water bottle. Whatever wrinkled old lady show off. I moved my bottle as I lacked the breath to argue with her. I was able to keep up with these wicked crazy moves as long as I did not try to move my arms. My brain, not so keen on all this movement at once, i did get a little nauseated by all the turns and back flips and double lutzs. Who here thinks it is a good idea to hop and turn and jump on a step all at the same time. GOOD me neither. I did not actually fall, but there was some tripping. No actual collisions with other steppers, but a few close calls.
I hate the pregnant lady with two steps and two risers in front of me. IF she shows where I work I will show her who's the boss by "accidentally" delaying her epidural until she crys and whimpers and somehow atones for her grossly fit self.
I don't know how I feel about today. Perhaps the sunshine and exercise is good, or bad depending on how you look at it. I vote for now...bad. My ass hurts and sitting causes some mild discomfort.
Posted by H Digby at 11:59:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 1
Insano Baby
That face. That sweet face. What ever in the world would it have to do with a photo of her LEAPING through the air like a mad crazy baby you wonder?
Posted by H Digby at 9:48:00 PM 1 comments