Friday, May 14

A day to remember

My husband has decided to not come home again tonite. It shouldn't come as a surprise on the heals of what has been happening the last 24 hours. I discovered that he's been cheating on me with a girl from work, who happens to have herpes. Awesome. He also swears that he didn't sleep with her but I feel like it doesn't matter much. I shouldn't care, but I do wonder if he's with her now. Even if he is what difference would it really make?

He said he didn't want to move out, that he wanted to go to our counseling appointment on Thursday to see what we could do. It's been a hard day. I am so surprised by how much all this hurts. It's alot to lose in one fail swoop. I know alot of this has been coming but stopping to look at what's going to change makes it all very real.

We talked like 6 times a day. For good reasons for bad reasons. That's alot of talk to no longer talk. I didn't realize how much we talked until I saw something and thought oh darren...then OH darren.

Laying in bed makes me want to cry. I was cuddling Beck to sleep and thought about all that has happened in that bed. We laughed and fought there. We brought babies home from the hospital and nursed them there. We made vacation plans, dreamed, slept, planned our futures there. We made babies there. I climbed into his arms there when the days were bas, he'd hold me and kiss me on the top of my forehead and that somehow would make it better.
Losing that hurts. It's been such a surprising slide down and I wish we could have stopped it. Changed it.

This sucks. It's a blinding pain that rips through you. It tugs and pulls. Makes it hard to breath. Losing all of this. It really hurts to be betrayed. To be cheated on. It makes it feel like married didn't mean anything. It's not been easy but I believed it was always worth while. There are so many tears. I wonder where they all come from. It hurts so much.

I feel stupid for trying to hang on this past year, for continuing to believe and want this. How did I get so duped. Oh hard and fast I held onto this idea that we could do this. We could make it out to the other side and we would both be better. The kids would be better.
I thought alot these past weeks, all the while he messing around. Texting messages about kissing and fantasies while the children sleep in our bed next to him.
I thought and tried and reflected and HOPED. It's the hope that hurts right now. All of the hope and openness and effort. Being open and vulnerable only to be betrayed. Man alive that hurts wicked bad. I mean really. I am so scared of what the future holds. I don't, truth be told want to go there. I want to go back. Two years. Four years. Fourteen years to when we met. To when it was so easy to just love. No expectation. No disappointments. But I know there is nothing in the past.
There is only tomorrow. Softball game. Work. Tears, heartache.


Trista said...

I am so sorry to read this post. It reminds me so much of my marriage and I identify so much with all of your feelings.

Life does get better - thank you for that reminder today. I am having a bad day today, but ALL of my days used to be bad. Now my bad days are few and far between. Just trying to say, there is hope.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Susan said...

Hi - I don't know you, but your story is so familiar to me as well. My kids are now college age, and life has leveled out and is good. But the pain and struggle to get through it all as it's happening . . . oh how I feel for you!! ((hugs and prayers))