Saturday, May 16

Super Fun

So happy. So sweet. I LOVE this smile.

Oh my boy! 
Playing in the fountain at water front. I had forgotten how fun it was!!
The Laughter and splashing.
A moment of sisterly love. 
The fun we can have with nothing but a light pole.

As the time approaches for me to return to work I wonder how it will go. It is pressing on my mind. I have the worst case of baby and kiditis. I cannot stop thinking about my family and I worry about what a total idiot I am going to look like. I feel like I cannot hold a conversation unless it involves Beck's poop or Katie's tantrums. Will that get better? Will I be able to think and work? Will I be be able to do my job? I think I will need to go on orientation. But for now we shall spend as many minuets at the park in the fountains in the sun.


Heather said...

Sadly it all comes back so quickly. And we are SO excited for you to come back. It's not the same without you! AND we all know that everything on the home front is going to work out perfectly. PERFECTLY. I promise. Now, go and take more pictures of that boy smiling!!!