Wednesday, May 27

Darren and The Bee part two.

I almost peed my pants once. Well I've almost peed my pants a number of times and it seems to be increasing with age, but this was the closest ever. It was a number of years ago. We live next to a giant field and it is full of Brier bushes which are full of bees nests. Yellow Jackets to be precise. Darren messed with their hive by prodding at it and they came out quite angry. Darren had to run across the yard to get away from them. That was pretty funny too. He looked very silly. 

Then he decided to seek his revenge on the bee's. That was a bad Idea. Out came the hose and here was his fatal mistake. He sprayed a nest of yellow jackets. They were not amused, I was. He went running across the yard smacking himself, jumping up and down and yelling. He was going to come in the back door, where I was standing. But I had to close it otherwise I would have had a house full of bees. So of course I went round front were he ran and there was running in circles in the front yard smacking the hell out of himself. If you didn't know he was being attacked by yellow jackets you'd think he was crazy. I was very worried about him. Of course I did ask him if he was ok before I started laughing. He too laughed once the stinging stopped. 
Since then he has had a particular hatred for bees. One flew into the kitchen and he thought the best way to deal with it would be to cut it in 1/2 with a small paring knife. In the end he was successful. 
BEE's 15.

And some pictures of my boy and friends!

Zoey was not so thrilled about Joy's cookie breath.
My big boy!!

Thanks for the fun at the fountains!


Heather said...

You're not joking around, man. That boy is grown up! When can I hang with him again?