Monday, June 16

Father's Day

This dog. This silly little tolerant dog. If Katie was left to her own devices, Olaf would be wearing diapers, dresses, bonnets and going for stroller rides. Over and over again she tells me that she wishes that she had dresses for him. He tells me with those sad pleasing eyes how pleased he is that she doesn't. I cannot believe how much he lets her carry him around. If we aren't careful this little guy won't know how to walk anymore.
A trusty boating companion! They had a great time playing in nanny and granddad's garden on father's day. I had the second most awesome weekend in a row doing hard machine labor outdoors. Mowing the lawn was second only to weed whacking. My favorite part was at the end of the day my legs were welted and bleeding from all of the debris that crappy weed whacker kicked up. I was pleased with myself as there were only two "Accidental Eliminations", of desired and wanted plants that is. As I am not a professional garden machine operator I think that was pretty good. I was glad that I was finally able to give my father in law a gift that he really wanted, a fantastic looking garden, thanks to the hard labor of 6 adults and 2 kids for like 80 hours. Or maybe 5 hours with one Starbucks break.
Olaf enjoyed nipping the tail of Kalie one of Tricia's dogs. But not having witnessed the act myself I must wonder is the face of a naughty tail nipper???
Two peas in a pod. Dennis had to do the "Fine" work of weeding the flower beds and planting, we were to oofy and unskilled to perform such tasks. Anna was however capable of being his trained monkey. I however had to do hard labor, mow lawns, use the week whacker...

I was very amused that when someone accidentally eliminated a few stalks of flowers and convinced Katie to give them to her nanny and swear not to tell where they came from. After she gave them to her, nanny asked her to not pick anymore flowers and Katie said she didn't. That she found them on the ground. (Where they lay after the weed whacker incident.) No one ever knew the truth!