Sunday, June 1

Armpits, Puke, Cheese and onion crisps....

How could these things possibly be related? 

I am so not in love with the fact that gas is $4 a gallon. I have been forcing the kids, including Darren into what we have dubbed the little car. Our sweat gas sipping Saturn. Cozy too to encourage bonding and such. On one such lovely day after yet another trip to the Oregon humane society, more to come on that later, we were driving home on a lovely Sunday evening. I thought we had driven past an onion patch only to discover that...

Julianna is getting older and stinkier. 
As the ever so pleasant smell of Anna's stinky pits wafted up to the front seat, Darren smiled in a nostalgic way and said it smells like the crisps from his boyhood. Delicious oniony cheese crisps that he had not had in years and years, mmmmm. I was somewhat alarmed that he 
#1 Didn't know that the stink was coming from right next to him and
#2 It was armpits AND
#3 That it made him think of FOOD?

I have never been happily reminded of food from the stench of some one's armpits. To each is there own. 

As we drove Katie from here further referred to as monster was busily and happily annoying the crap out of Anna by licking her. Gross in so many ways but alas sibling must learn to coexist peacefully so I chose not to intervene with the licking. Plus the yelling and tattling and occasional cries is like music to my ears in a small, full, hot car.

Julianna puts on the air of being the ultimate big sister. Sweet and helpful and funny. But in truth she also part evil. She has this evil little laugh that tells me in .5 seconds her sister will be crying out in protest and tattle for something that will be legit and fantastically wrong. So titer titer from Anna, mooommmmmyyyyy waaaaaaaaaa, from Katie. Anna MADE me lick her arm pit and it tastes like puke! Gross my mouth tasted like puke!!!

She was not amused by the laughing adults. by for pete's sake why would you lick some one's armpit? Especially one that stank that bad!
 Darren declined the offer to have a lick to see if they delivered on their cheese and onion odor.


Heather said...

I'm serious, I wish I could be a fly on the wall of your summer road trip. You'll never be able to remember all of the funny stories like this!!