Beck and Kia at Dinner
5 of the 8 kids at cocas. Like herding cats I say.
More pizza please.
Coop and Ana
Beck and Grandad at Kia's 17th birthday dinner.
Oh I love this face.
Darren putting Katie to bed...I mean Katie putting Darren to bed.
Visiting with Wendy.
Beck getting mauled. A daily event.
Baby love. My babies.
Wednesday, March 25
Posted by H Digby at 11:52:00 PM 0 comments
Darren always tries to lay a path for his deceit.
This time it had to do with his computer. "Sean's getting a new one and giving me his old one." This is the lie he tells so when he comes home he can so oh, that's the one from Sean.
Only the plan was foiled by a picture of our little one sleeping inside the box....HA silly man thinks he can fool me.
He sure did try.
He did recycle the box at his parents so I wouldn't see it in the trash. And he bought the new one with cash, so the purchase could not be tracked through the bank account and destroyed the receipt so I would not find it an bust him.
He did not,however, consider what would happen if, lets say, it did not work and he needed to return or exchange it.
I would call that Karma.
I have named the blue glowing computer EVA, in honor of Igor and his malfunctioning monster that doesn't work quite right. EVA. Thus far the new faster computer that will make the Internet faster and movies better does neither. Despite like 20 hours of his time and a ton of swear words.
Some IT guy. I told him I hope he performs better during the hands on portion of his interview. Otherwise we are really hosed and he certainly won't get to keep his job.
I'll post of picture of him and Eva soon.
Posted by H Digby at 9:48:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2
What ever to do with all my free time??
Between the girls and the house and the dog and the baby what free time? HA! I cannot believe two weeks has passed already.
On Friday Beck had his first trip to the park and you guessed it he slept right through it.
On Saturday we went to visit Nanny and Grandad and meet his cousin Kayden for the first time and yep, he slept right through it. The funnest part was looking through all of the old pictures of Darren and his brothers as babies and his parents as kids. It was very nostalgic and made you acutely aware of how fast time goes and what really lasts.
Kidding. I was thinking about the love.
On Sunday we went to lunch with the Grandparents, Beck first real restaurant and yep, slept right through it.
But Nights, not so much sleeping, so don't worry I don't think I have the best sleeper. I am very aware of how he's not the best sleeper.
Monday was Becks first movie in a theater. Marley and me. That was the worst tear jerker ever. Gosh. We both cried our eyes out. Darren and I that is. And everyone else in the theater except our two girls who have hearts made of cold black stone. It made me really miss the super naughty rotten dog that angered me every day of his 10+ year life A WHOLE TON. It also made me love my husband and kids a little more though. Beck again, slept through the whole movie despite the tears falling on his head.
We have another awesome busy week ahead that involve visits from friends and the need to visit more friends, appointments and more sleep deprivation. But hey that's life right? Time and love is all we have. And time passes far to fast to miss out on getting some love.
Posted by H Digby at 10:12:00 PM 1 comments
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